Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is MultiChoice going to get fined again for showing a M-Net Action movie with sex and nudity too early with an inappropriate age restriction?

I'm wondering whether MultiChoice is maybe going to get fined by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA) again? For this:

M-Net Action (DStv 106) is showing the low-budget movie Blood on the Badge since early primetime this evening at 18:00.
Blood on the Badge in my opinion as a TV critic seems to be a completely inappropriate movie for such an early timeslot, with what additionally appears to be a completely wrong age restriction.

DStv's on-screen EPG gives Blood on the Badge only a PG rating which means that it won't be locked out with parental control.
M-Net Action's website already doesn't correspond with DStv's EPG and provides a 13 age restriction for Blood on the Badge. In my opinion it still seems completely inappropriate given the movie's violence (V) which is not mentioned, and the nudity (N) and sex (S) in the content.

ALSO READ: kykNET and MultiChoice fined R15 000 for broadcasting a movie with sex scenes and an incorrect age restriction during family hour.

Blood on the Badge shows actor David Harrod getting his sex on in this titillating ''PG'' movie at 18:00 with plenty a breasts and nipples on full display. Breasts as shown in this film usually gives a movie an immediate "R" rated classification and puts it in the soft porn category.

Someone gets shot in the head at point blank range while his wife is tied up next to him. Someone else gets run over with a car while blood splatters. Someone gets thrown with a butcher's knife stuck into his stomach. And there's multiple other scenes. Blood on the Badge is scheduled to be broadcast again on Thursday 9 June, again in early primetime at 18:00 on M-Net Action.

What is noteworthy here is that the BCCSA as recently as last month fined MultiChoice R15 000 after kykNET (DStv 111) screened a movie with sex scenes during family hour at 19:30, while kykNET provided a wrong age restriction of 13PG. The broadcasting time was too early and the age restriction should have been 16NS for scenes of nudity and sex.

It was the 3rd time in two years that MultiChoice contravened broadcasting regulations in this way. The BCCSA said in its finding last month that ''after the first contravention the broadcaster promised that a contravention like this will not happen again. The broadcaster was then only reprimanded. To ensure that the broadcaster takes the necessary steps to avoid a similar contravention in future, the Tribunal has decided to impose a fine of R15 000."