Monday, May 9, 2011

BREAKING. SABC now looking to start its new 24 hour news channel in October; wants new timeslots to ''show'' the channel.

The SABC is now looking to launch its new 24 hour TV news channel in October and SABC News, the public broadcaster's news division, wants timeslots on all 3 of the SABC's existing TV channels to showcase the new news channel, insider sources familiar with the latest planning told me today.

ALSO READ: The SABC's planned new 24 hour news channel will cost R80 million a year to operate.
ALSO READ: SABC sees its planned new 24 hour news channel as a key driver of the broadcaster's turnaround strategy.
ALSO READ: SABC on its planned new 24 hour news channel.

Sources told me today - as I always ask - that the new news channel doesn't have a name yet. Planned to launch in April this year but hopelessly out of touch with reality, insiders now tell me that SABC News, the SABC board and the broadcaster's top management is now eyeing 1 October as the new, adapted starting date.

Insiders also told TV with Thinus that SABC News wants more airtime in future - especially during the launch of the new news channel - in the form of more timeslots on all 3 of the SABC's TV channels. ''SABC News International [the now defunct former 24 hour news channel] got tucked away and shown overnight on SABC2 and SABC3,'' says a source. ''In hindsight it wasn't showing what SABC News International was and was capable of,'' says a high-placed source in the broadcaster. ''The new channel needs to get top billing. It will need to be seen by viewers to get a real taste of what the 24 hour [news] channel is like.''

Whispers another insider to me in agreement: ''The new news channel will have to get proper sampling. For that it will have to get proper exposure - not [just] overnight simulcasting on some of the channels, but real proper timeslots during the day.'' A third insider says the news channel will also work on a strong sports news focus. ''The SABC is good at sports news coverage, has the expertise, people and resources. It's one really strong advantage we will have with this venture.''