Monday, February 14, 2011

BREAKING. Tapes arrive; 25th season and final ''farewell season'' of The Oprah Winfrey Show will start today on SABC3 at 17:35.

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The 25th and final ''farewell season'' of The Oprah Winfrey Show will start at 17:35 on SABC3 today with the same 25th season premiere of the show that was broadcast in America.

The new season that had to be postponed by a week because the video cassettes didn't arrive due to snow storms in America and then got delayed and held up by customs in Amsterdam, will definitely start today on SABC3. Over the weekend the broadcaster received, and was able to verify, the first episode. No further episodes for the rest of the week have been checked yet.

The 25th season of The Oprah Winfrey Show will debut today on SABC3 when John Travolta helps Oprah Winfrey to surprise her audience with the announcement that they will all be going to Australia. Paul Simon is also on hand to sing and in a beautiful moment that could actually also have served as a perfect closer at the end of this season, he's back to serenade Oprah with a beautiful new version of his song ''Ten Years Come and Gone'' which was used for the 10th anniversary for the show. I won't give away everything if you haven't watched this clip, but it's great and wonderful.

UPDATE Monday 14 February 22:00 - The rest of the week's Oprah line-up has now been released by SABC3. Tuesday 15 Feb is Naomi and Wynnona Judd. Wednesday 16 Feb is ''25 years later: Oprah returns to Williamson, West Virginia'', Thursday 17 Feb is Discovery Headquarters hostages come forward and Friday 18 Feb is Ultimate Wildest Dreams and Oprah's 64th Oprah Book Club selection.