Monday, May 9, 2022

Lois Aber Kwikiriza appointed as MultiChoice Uganda's latest head of marketing.

by Thinus Ferreira

Lois Aber Kwikiriza has been appointed as MultiChoice Uganda's new head of marketing.

Lois Aber Kwikiriza replaces Colin Asiimwe who was MultiChoice Uganda's head of marketing for the past two years.

Lois Aber Kwikiriza has a bachelor of arts in social sciences degree.

MultiChoice Uganda's unstable marketing division has struggled to calm the waters thepast few years since MultiChoice Uganda's torrid sex scandal in which marketing manager Phoebe Nakabazzi was forced to leave after her and her former MultiChoice Uganda boss Charles Hamya's torrid extra-marital sex scandal in the office was revealed by his wife to all MultiChoice staffers in an email that shocked the MultiChoice Uganda office and damaged the DStv Uganda brand

Then MultiChoice Uganda marketing manager Albert Ngambeki left after barely 7 months in August 2019 after he didn't get along with new MultiChoice Uganda boss Hassan Saleh. Colin Asiimwe has now exited, making pace for Lois Aber Kwikiriza.

"We are excited to have Lois Aber Kwikiriza, a powerhouse in brand and marketing join the team at MultiChoice to head the marketing department. We look forward to the great work that will be done as we amplify the MultiChoice brand in the Ugandan market," says Hassan Saleh, MultiChoice Uganda managing director in a statement.

Lois Aber Kwikiriza joins MultiChoice Uganda with 20 years marketing experience and her strengths are "strategy and concept development, project planning, with a strength in ideation and execution". According to MultiChoice Uganda she is "an excellent planner in tune with the current market dynamics".

Lois Aber Kwikiriza previously worked as marketing and brand manager for corporate and investment banking at Bank of Credit and Commerce at Stanbic Bank Uganda, was brand manager at Premium spirits at Uganda Brewery Limited and also the marketing manager at Total Energies Uganda.

"I am happy to join the home of great pay-TV entertainment, MultiChoice Uganda where I anticipate to provide additional value to the brand," she says in the prepared statement.