Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MUST-WATCH TONIGHT! DALLAS on M-Net at 20:30 delivers dramatic emotion with a special opening theme; Sue Ellen's emotional eulogy.

The biggest must-watch television spectacle on South African TV tonight is Dallas at 20:30 on M-Net for a simply cannot dare not miss, have-to-see SPECIAL episode right from the very beginning: a hugely special opening theme as a goodbye tribute to Larry Hagman and JR Ewing which will very likely make you emotional and have you in tears.

And if that doesn't do the trick, I can absolutely guarantee - GUARANTEE - you that the emotional, tearful, astounding, sad, raw, and genuinely emotional tribute and eulogy of Linda Gray as Sue Ellen in remembrance of JR Ewing/Larry Hagman WILL make you cry. It will.

JR Ewing's funeral is tonight at 20:30 in Dallas on M-Net and there is nothing else on television you rather need to watch than this special and emotional episode.

The opening theme of Dallas has been specially adapted. It will make you sad but it's PERFECT - the music of trumpet and organ, the mood, the changed opening images; all of which ends with JR Ewing closing the iron gate of Southfork Ranch and thereby symbolically closing a chapter.

Then there's Linda Gray. Or Sue Ellen. Wow. When you watch her talk, you will see that it's not really so much Sue Ellen as it's Linda Gray saying her last goodbye to Larry Hagman.

The performance is ... raw, haunting, and incredible - I would say tonight's episode of Dallas and Linda Gray's overwhelmingly emotional final goodbye to Larry Hagman and JR Ewing is the most heartwrenchingly, hauntingly true and real moment of television which you will see in a scripted TV drama in all of 2013.

Through all the drunkenness, through all the fights; through all the animosity and divorces, pain and heartache; revenge and betrayal and lies and hurt ...

"Yes, JR. The answer is yes. You were the love of my life."

Now go get tissues, and make sure to watch this special and gutwrenching episode of Dallas tonight at 20:30 on M-Net with someone you love, and have a bit of a cry together, and say goodbye to JR Ewing.