Tuesday, April 2, 2013

BREAKING. SABC2 cuts away, unannounced, for live coverage of SANDF Fallen Soldiers Memorial Service; disrupts schedule.

You're reading it here first. 

SABC2 just dumped its entire scheduled mid-morning programming, unannounced, to cover live the South African National Defence Force Fallen Soldiers Memorial Service.

With no pre-warning from SABC2 or scheduling advisory, the channel is now covering the memorial service of soldiers who've died in the Central African Republic (CAR) with the SABC News' star reporter, Chriselda Lewis anchoring the coverage live from the Swartkop Airforce Base in Pretoria.

SABC2 and SABC News is branding the live coverage as "Remembering our Heroes".

It's not clear until what time the live coverage will continue, most probably until 13:00 when the repeat broadcast of Days of Our Lives will start on SABC2 - although it being a live transmission and these events usually starting late and going over time, the coverage could go past 13:00.

So far there's been no word from SABC2 to the press about the coverage, how it affects the schedule and until when it will continue.

eNCA (DStv 403) cut away and went with live coverage from 11:35 of the memorial service at the airforce base.