Tuesday, April 2, 2013

BREAKING. SABC CEO Lulama Mokhobo: 'For us, yes, the negative publicity has been very painful.'

You're reading it here first. 

"For us, yes, the negative publicity has been very painful," admitted Lulama Mokhobo, the SABC's CEO on Monday night.

The beleaguered South African public broadcaster's highest ranking executive went on the SABC's flagship daily news bulletin on Wednesday evening which underwent a massive makeover and was being interviewed live to talk and explain the reasons for the SABC changes.

"In many instances there's been innuendo and pure falsification of facts in certain instances," said Lulama Mokhobo.

"But we are taking it in our stride, and what I appeal to everybody who bothers to listen to me, is that don't judge us by what you read. Judge us by what you actually see on the channels."

"From a straight forward news perspective from across the three channels, we actually broadcast 7 and a half hours per day. And when you look at our current affairs content, we broadcast 3 hours a day. Now that is a hell of a lot of content that we put out that people may not be aware of."

"But I would like to challenge them to switch on and watch us and see what we're actually doing," said Lulama Mokhobo.

ALSO READ: "People complain all the time that we are repeating. We are not," says Lulama Mokhobo, SABC CEO.