Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Deutsche Welle to unveil this new channel logo on Monday along with a new (24 hour?) channel line-up.

Deutsche Welle (DStv 446), Germany's international broadcaster that runs several customized regional DW channels (such as in South Africa from 05:00 to 14:00 daily) will be changing the various channels' line-ups, expand programming and unveil an new website and a brand-new logo (here it is above!) this coming Monday 6 February.

The DW changes starting Monday ''would be a milestone for an improved representation of Germany around the world,'' says Deutsche Welle's general director Erik Bettermann. The changes form part of general reform of Germany's international broadcaster.

The DW channel seen in South Africa and Africa, could very well also be changing from a 9 hour channel to a 24 hour channel, but whether this is definitely happening I don't know.

DW says the basic offering - which is the channel currently seen in South Africa - will turn into a 24 hour English programming channel in North America, Africa, Asia and Australia.

Deutsche Welle will run 6 distinct DW channels from Monday when a redesigned website will also be unveiled at ,well as a new logo (above) replacing the current DW logo (right).