Tuesday, May 17, 2011

TERRA-IFIC! The brand-new (awesome looking!) extended trailer for the most anticipated and most expensive new TV show: Terra Nova.

Besides Steven Spielberg's new TV drama Falling Skies starting on Monday 4 July at 20:15 on Fox Entertainment (TopTV 180) the year's number one most anticipated show is also from Steven Spielberg: Terra Nova.

And now there is a brand-new, almost 3 minute long, teaser trailer about the TV drama in which a family from the future steps through a portal back into Earth's prehistoric past. This second and longer trailer follows on the first shorter one released at the end of last year. Terra Nova will be television's most expensive show ever.

Viewers get to see the future Earth where people wear gas masks (Earth's air is poisonous and the world is dying). While people speed along an elevated train in a futuristic city, family planning billboards implore: ''A family is four''. Clearly the dad has not be vetted to return to the past, tells his family to just run, and then jumps to through the portal.

In the past we see the stirrings of teenage love, a creature attacks an armoured mini-truck with people inside, people race away from a Tyrannosaurus, we see some new dinosaurs, and there's truly breathtaking scenes of the prehistoric world. The ''compound'' has a huge electric fence around it just like Jurassic Park.

ALSO READ: Some early behind the scenes set secrets of Terra Nova.
ALSO READ: Brand-new photos of the new TV drama Terra Nova.
ALSO READ: First TV footage of Terra Nova, the year's most anticipated new TV drama.
ALSO READ: A list of 2011's most anticipated new TV shows and what they're all about.