Monday, February 7, 2011

FIRST LOOK! First TV footage of the year's most anticipated new TV drama: Terra Nova.

The year's hottest brand-new TV show that will start in May in America - and as I broke the news M-Net already got the rights to it - just unveiled their very first TV promo for it: get ready for a time portal, dinosaurs and a family lost 85 million years in the past in Terra Nova!

Imagine Jurassic Park, meets Avatar, meets Lost and you'll get what this new TV show - already on track to be the most expensive TV show ever and executive produced by Steven Spielberg - is going to be about. There will definitely be a full first season of this drama that will feature many dinosaurs and reveal a new one in every episode (some will have feathers!) and follows a family who goes to the past to help start a new colony (the dystopian Earth of the future is dying).

ALSO READ: Some early behind the scenes set secrets of the upcoming Terra Nova; TV's most expensive TV show ever.
ALSO READ: Brand-new photos of the upcoming new TV drama Terra Nova.
ALSO READ: M-Net's massive coup: snags the rights to the hot Terra Nova.
ALSO READ: The list of 2011's most anticipated new TV shows and what they're all about.