Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BREAKING. ''It's time to make a new start,'' says SABC3's new channel head, promising a return to excellence for the broadcaster.

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In an incredible mea culpa Ed Worster, the new acting SABC3 channel head stood in front of a theatre filled with people attending the SABC's Upfront Tradeshow and made an apology - and new promises - that were all received by ad buyers, media planners and press. Attendees were impressed by the refreshing honesty, his frank perspective and assessement of SABC3, the intention to improve things and the clearly hands-on expertise of Ed Worster.

In an unexpected and startling admission, but with promises of a new transformation for SABC3 in terms of what the channel will be offering viewers and advertisers, Ed Worster apologized for the mess that the South African public broadcaster's once sterling commercial TV channel had become over the past few years. Ed Worster promised that he and the SABC3 team will do everything they can to return the struggling channel to its former ''glory days''. In fact, they've already started.

''When it comes to SABC3 people are talking about the 'good old days' as if they're talking about the stories they've heard growing up at their mother's knee. But is it the stuff of legend, SABC3?'' Ed Worster started, referring to the broadcaster that first brought South African viewers The Oprah Winfrey Show, Ally McBeal and introduced (and seduced) them with Survivor.
Using classic fairy tale imagery in a striking, allegoric presentation that resonated well with the audience of media types, the well-liked silver haired TV executive said ''it seems that the channel might be cursed. Some things have been lurking in the dark that we don't like. It might seem as if the wolf is at the door. In desperate need of a hero. Looking for a trinity of divinity. And even if it's a three-legged race and things might seem a little hampered, we know the competition is out there.''

''It's time to make a new start,'' said Ed Worster. ''We know that you're always number one (SABC1) with Mzansi Fo Sho. We know that two (SABC2)'s company. But we want three (SABC3) to be a great, big, massive crowd. So what is our vision and mission as a TV channel if we could talk to the genie and rub the lamp? We want to keep our viewers happy. We want to keep our advertisers and your clients happy. And for people to know that we care,'' he said.

''It takes three colours to make television. And three elements to make an atom. It releases a fusion of creative energy - where anything is possible. It's that new energy that's driving SABC3 into the future, this year and beyond. I think you all understand as much as we do that SABC3 has been plagued by serious underperformance of all key areas of measure: viewership and audiences, revenue and brand integrity. All ran into trouble. SABC3 no longer had a clear channel proposition. As a result viewers became disinvested. Disruptive schedule changes in primetime and really I think a depreciation between SABC3 and the SABC's other two TV channels - what made us different as a commercial TV  channel - caused a blurring in the industry regarding what we stood for across the board.''

''In our strategy forward SABC3 will restore our excellence and our distinctiveness as a brand,'' promised Ed Worster, ''and put it up there once again as an unrivaled commercial television channel.''
''At the heart of SABC3's turnaround is dramatic improvement and attention to quality content. Moving forward we really want to drive much more first-to-market programmes in our territory on our schedule. We're going to create primetime pillars on SABC3 at 19:30 and 20:30 with a very clear proposition for viewers and for trade. I know that many of you are very concerned about the disruption that cricket has on the channel. I can already promise you that we've already started planning much more cleverly and far more ahead of time for the cricket coming at the end of the year.''

''The SABC3 schedule is being streamlined and disruption is going to be minimized. We really want to bring viewers back to SABC3 at 19:30 and 20:30 in primetime,'' said Ed Worster. ''We are going to become far more effective in our relationship with the trade, ensuring that fixed schedules are released and become available more ahead of time, to let you know about opportunities. And I just want to let you know that we are absolutely open to have a conversation about any ideas, suggestions or opportunities you might have.''

ALSO READ: ''We're back in business,'' SABC tells ad buyers and media planners at its new, resurrected SABC Upfront Roadshow.