Wednesday, November 10, 2010

BREAKING. TopTV subscribers fuming mad about jarring time changes on Fox Entertainment; non-sensical Grey's Anatomy repeats.

You're reading it here first.

Thousands of TopTV subscribers are absolutely livid at the pay TV operator and Fox for jarring time changes as well as an unexpected repeat pattern for the hit show Grey's Anatomy on the premium channel Fox Entertainment (TopTV 180).

TopTV carries several Fox channels on its platform like Fox Entertainment, Fox Retro (TopTV 181), Fuel (TopTV 225), Fox FX (TopTV 110) as well as the Fox News Channel (TopTV 405). In the past half a year that TopTV has been in operation Fox has however not even once communicated to viewers through the press about its channels, and even more strikingly, not done a single bit of marketing or promotion for the Fox channels given its multi channel presence in South Africa.

Now TopTV subscribers are angry about Fox Entertainment time changes that was not communicated and seem to be more erratic than just because of European daylight saving time adjustment on Fox' part when starting times moved up by 45 minutes. Viewers were also looking forward to a new season of Grey's Anatomy starting this week on Fox Entertainment just to discover the show resetting to a repeat of the first season.

TopTV insiders confirmed to me that the pay TV operator is being flooded by complaints. Sources are telling me not even TopTV were informed about the erratic time change, or the unexpected repeat. TopTV didn't want to comment and refered my enquiry to Fox. I've asked Fox through their local publicity representatives what is going on but have not received any response yet.