Wednesday, July 7, 2010

SABC3's flagship news bulletin, the News @ 7, now has double news anchors. But for how long?

SABC3's daily flagship news bulletin, the News @ 7 is back with a double anchor duo and no indication of how long this throwback to the eighties double news reader presenting experiment will last.

The News @ 7 now has dual women anchors in the evening like Janet Whitton and Mapaseka Makoti, but often also go out with ''mixed doubles'': a man and woman reading the news together like Thabiso Sithole and Mapaseka Makoti (below). The SABC did away with dual anchors 15 years ago, citing production costs.

I've made several enquiries to the SABC's TV news division and the head of TV news, Amrit Manga (who haven't responded yet) to find out whether the doubling up will only be for the duration of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, or whether its a permanent news presentation style change for this particular SABC TV news bulletin on the public broadcaster's only commercial TV channel.