Sunday, April 25, 2010

ANALYSIS. Why M-Net shouldn't be blamed for pathetic Jub Jub's charity chaos.

You're reading it here first.

I was first RIGHT HERE early this morning to tell you that M-Net is not considering, and never has considered, pressing any fraud charges against Jub Jub . Now I can tell you that although the broadcaster is superbly polite and friendly, M-Net (that paid out over R2 million this past week to various charities as part of Survivor SA Santa Carolina) is simply fuming behind the scenes about an erroneous tabloid trash piece where another journalist got it all wrong about Jub Jub (Molemo ''Jub Jub'' Maarohanye - and making M-Net look bad.

I have ALL you need to know about this issue, why M-Net is unfairly pulled into this issue and the real perspective you need to know on this case regarding the broadcaster, and the celebitant's meltdown that made things difficult for M-Net. Click on READ MORE below.

The facts are these for any daily journalist under the sun who might care about accuracy, giving comprehensive perspective on a story, oh, and the truth: M-Net is NOT contemplating or considering fraud charges against Jub Jub and M-Net never considered laying fraud charges against Jub Jub for having nominated a charity that turned out not to exist. And, oh - something everyone seems to forget: M-Net was never under any obligation to donate money to any of the charities mentioned in the show anyway - except fot the charity chosen by the winner. Because filming ended mid December 2009, M-Net knew full well that Jub Jub wouldn't win because of that alleged ''penis rash'' he developed when he left the island.

In this case I have to hand it to M-Net which is too upstanding and don't want to smear Jub Jub. M-Net is taking the unjustified wrap for people who want the TV channel to comment or get involved or be activistic regarding the beleaguered personality and the charity issue. (It's not really what TV does, people!)

M-Net would have given Jub Jub's charity money but for that all the contestants had to provide certain documentation by 3 March to M-Net to verify the various charities. Whether because of penis problems, uncontrolled rashes or my-girlfriend-is-having-my-baby issues, he didn't submit the paperwork. Hence M-Net had to find another charity. The first one M-Net chose declined and didn't want money that was involved with Jub Jub, and Nico Panagio's charity welcomed the donation.

I can also tell you that M-Net - who would NEVER EVER admit it - struggled hugely even getting a hold of the seemingly self-destructive Jub Jub after the show was filmed. He hardly ever (lets make it never) answered his cellphone, was unreachable in basically all cases by producers as well as M-Net's top brass and made it extremely difficult for M-Net bosses as well as producers who in several cases could only communicate with him by leaving verbal messages on the hip hop artists voicemail. Perhaps blame M-Net for not having chosen a ''better'' celebitant at the end of last year when they ahd to decide who to include on the reality show, but then again, who knows what the future hold and what an unmitigated mess some people can create for themselves and drag others into when a crisis occurs and celeb meltdown happens.

''After Jub Jub had failed to submit the documentation required by our corporate governance before the deadline given to him, M-Net chose a charity - for which we do have all the necessary documentation on record - on his behalf,'' says M-Net. As a result of the unfortunate recent personal events, this charity, which do not want to be named, was concerned about being associated with Jub Jub and declined M-Net's offer as a result of possible negative publicity. The money, which Jub Jub would have earned for a charity for staying on the island for four days, was re-allocated to Missing Children, the charity of Survivor SA host Nico Panagio.''

''M-Net will not be laying any fraud charges against Jub Jub and has never considered laying any such charges against him,'' says the pay TV channel. ''M-Net cannot comment on Jub Jub's personal life and the pending court case.''