Friday, December 18, 2009

BREAKING. TVIEC questioning the appointment of Solly Mokoetle as new SABC group CEO.

You're reading it here first. I have reaction from The TV Industry Emergency Coalition (TVIEC) on the appointment of Solly Mokoetle earlier this week as the SABC's new group CEO, replacing acting group CEO Gab mampone from January 2010.

The TVIEC is questioning the appointment, saying ''we question why the interim SABC board made this sudden and unexpected announcement and did not defer the appointment to the incoming permanent board given that they are weeks away from taking the helm of the SABC.''

''This seems to undermine the incoming board from the outset. We trust the new group CEO (Solly Mokoetle) and the new SABC board will meet as soon as possible to forge a relationship of their own.''

The TVIEC says that it congratulates the new SABC board and welcomes dr. Ben Ngubane as charmain as well as Solly Mokoetle as group CEO.

''We are indeed pleased that 2010 will start of with fresh leadership and [we] look forward to working with the new board and group CEO to turning the SABC around into a profitable institution that is answerable to the South African public.''

''We call upon the new board and group CEO to act swiftly in resolving the matter of outstanding debt to our sector as unfortunately the interim board and management have abused the goodwill of the independent production sector. People now demand payment to be made swiftly and without further delays. This must be a priority on the incoming SABC board's agenda, together with resolving the ongoing operational crisis at the SABC.''