Friday, December 18, 2009

BREAKING. Massive TV industry workshop planned for February.

You're reading it here first. People in the TV industry (which I just LOVE to write about) can circle the VERY IMPORTANT DATES of 3 and 4 February 2010.

Get ready for a MASSIVE NATIONAL WORKSHOP on these two days early next year.

The crisis at the SABC will see a historic coming together in February 2010 of the TV business and labour in the film and TV industry when CWUSA (Creative Workers Union of South Africa), the IPO (Independent Producers Association) and SASFED (South African Screen Federation) is planning to have a two day workshop to seek out and agree on a common vision and roadmap for the film and TV industry.

Key issues that will be discussed will be intellectual property ownership, fair trade, financial agreements between broadcasters, producers and artists and what the industry can do around building local TV and film content.