Monday, November 5, 2012

SHOCKER! Kia Johnson does the morning traffic report - not for Expresso but suddenly for the new breakfast show Dagbreek on kykNET.

How blatantly clear is it that the new weekday Afrikaans morning show Dagbreek which started today on kykNET (DStv 144) is not only gunning for, but immediately trying to be (like) SABC3's weekday morning show Expresso? How about Kia Johnson doing the traffic reports.

No, not for Expresso where Kia Johnson has been doing traffic reports in the mornings and recently became a mother. But suddenly for Dagbreek. Not only is Kia Johnson doing traffic for a new TV show, Kia Johnson is doing traffic reports for the exact same type of show, in the same genre, in the mornings, which she's done for Expresso.

In TV land, this isn't a declaration of war; this is more like a nuclear bomb. In media, different platforms will often steal competitor's fire - a newspaper might steal a recognizable name columnist, a radio station steals a voice.

Interesting that Dagbreek couldn't find their own traffic report person but dilutes their brand, as well as the Expresso brand by using the same name.

ALSO READ: The explanation as to why and how it is that Kia Johnson suddenly popped up on Dagbreek doing traffic reports, after viewers first saw her doing traffic reports for SABC3's Expresso.