Thursday, May 2, 2019

Angry singer Steve Hofmeyr films how he cancels his MultiChoice account, rips DStv dish off the roof and workers showing him to keep driving over his DStv decoder as he promises R10 000 to someone doing the same.

The Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr on Thursday made an edited show-and-tell video of cancelling his DStv account with the pay-TV provider MultiChoice, ripping off his DStv satellite dish, and then driving over his DStv decoder, specifically also co-opting by filming and editing in black workers on his property motioning with their arms that he must keep driving over it.

With his video, filmed in portrait format and placed on Facebook, Steve Hofmeyr in an accompanying rant, wrote that he is starting a competition with a R10 000 prize for one lucky winner who decides to do the same and film it. "We will choose one lucky willer by 1 June 2019" he wrote.

"I'm apparently done with MultiChoice all their channels, like kykNET and Showmax as well as Media24 (please stop calling me), and a few others who I will name in time. I see 7de Laan at least gives blanket indemnity to its racist actress Vinette, something which Afrikaans is Groot will never get away with".

Earlier Steve Hofmeyr wrote that he's planning a "special funeral" for his DStv satellite dish.

The controversial artist who moved from mass market Afrikaans entertainer the past few years to making increasingly provocative and incensed public statements about race, is angry that the pay-TV company decided to actively enact a block on the broadcast of him and his entertainment content to prevent the company from funnelling money from their DStv subscribers to his wallet.

His actions follow after MultiChoice decided that it would "in future not carry any content that includes Steve Hofmeyr on any of its platforms".

MultiChoice will also start to work to remove library content that he appears in or are responsible for from all its platforms and not rebroadcast it again. 

In short, the Randburg-based pay-TV company as a private company that listed in February doesn’t want money that it makes from its paying customers through showing entertainment content on any of its DStv channels, its video streaming service Showmax or any of its audio channels, to go to him.

The race-baiting artist who previously stated on social media that "blacks are the architects of apartheid", who kept singing Die Stem at concerts and arts festivals, and would gaslight with photos and messages of the old South African flag will no longer get any exposure on, be allowed to appear on, or be able to make any money from DStv or any of its broadcasting brands like kykNET.