Wednesday, October 11, 2017

DAILY TV NEWS ROUND-UP. Today's interesting TV stories to read from TVwithThinus - 11 October 2017.

Here's the latest news about TV that I read and that you should read too:

■ Sexual predator Harvey Weinstein over the weekend begged:
"I am desperate for your help," he wrote to Hollywood executives in a private email, "my board is thinking of firing me".
Harvey Weinstein's name dropped from the credits from all shows; TWC (The Weinstein Company) even considering a total name change to try and save the production and distribution company.
Another actress comes forward to say Harvey Weinstein humiliated her in a London hotel room wearing only a bathrobe.
- MUST READ: The New Yorker on how rapist Harvey Weinstein sexually abused women.

Awkward as Ronan Farrow tells Rachel Maddow why NBC News passed and apparently didn't want to do his Harvey Weinstein story.
- Also tells how he was personally threatened with a lawsuit by Harvey Weinstein.
NBC insiders are livid that NBC News president Noah Oppenheim killed the Harvey Weinstein story.

Fascinating article from The Guardian in which 20 of Hollywood's high-profile actors and directors remain silent and go "no comment" when asked to speak about Harvey Weinstein.
Stupid Donna Karan dig herself a hole by responding that "women are asking for it".
Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelie Jolie say Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted them.
-  Yet another woma, Louisette Geiss, shares a Harvey Weinstein masturbating story.
At The Weinstein Company (TWC) staffers "are reeling"; TWC future now in doubt.

■ Hilarie Burton says Ben Affleck groped her on MTV's TRL in 2003.
"I was a kid," said Hilarie Burton.

■ If you watch 1 of these 4 types of TV shows,
you're highly likely to be a narcissist.

■ 2017's TV lessons:
"In the age of Trump comfort food TV is working".

■ And another take on the same theme: The Golden Age of Sad TV.

■ Swaziland's state-controlled TV, Swazi TV, censors a public protest.
Two Swazi TV reporters went to go and cover the public protest by government workers but the Swazi TV CEO summoned them and killed the story.

■ Oprah Winfrey went to the bank for the first time in 29 years
to deposit a $2 million cheque. (And reveals she doesn't have an ATM PIN).

■ Kwesé TV has applied for a possible pay-TV licence in Swaziland.
Asked the Swaziland Communication Commission (SCCOM) in 2016 already for a licence. The excuse for Swaziland's delay as with everything to do with the country's struggling TV industry - is this time "the absence of a licensing framework".

■ "Don't end up disappointed" by TStv.
Nigeria's new pay-TV operator busy with fraud and lying about TV channels and content it didn't acquire legally has "undertones" that's disturbing. and TStv "should also stop making false promises to would-be subscribers".

■ Riverdale showrunner promises a "sexier" second season with more drama and danger.
The second season will continue right after the shooting of Archie's dad.

■ In Zimbabwe, CBZ also pulls the plug on DStv Zimbabwe payments for MultiChoice Zimbabwe.

■ With Marvel's Inhumans now also on TV as a new drama series on M-Net (DStv 101)
the question is asked how many Marvel series is too many?

■ Millennials are at odds with their parents over binge-watching TV.
Older people strill watch TV the traditional way, while young adults watch Netflix, Amazon and streaming services.