Thursday, September 7, 2017

When Duty Calls back on SABC2 with police captain presenters Ndivhuwo Mulamu and Kgaogelo Chokoe; format change sees re-enactment of crime scenes.

After false starts on SABC2 and abruptly being pulled, the police public service show When Duty Calls is finally back on SABC2 in a new format with South African police captains Ndivhuwo Mulamu and Kgaogelo Chokoe as the presenters on a sit-down set.

The new season of When Duty Calls will start on SABC2 on Thursday at 22:00 with the show that will report on South African crimes through re-enacting crime scenes.

When Duty Calls, taking a page from the playbook of channels like Discovery's ID Xtra, will now do now interviews victims and witnesses, as well as investigating officers from the South African Police Service (SAPS).

When Duty Calls episodes, now employing a talk show type sit-down set, will now tell crime stories and show the ensuing police investigations. The SAPS hopes it will help in prevent crimes.