Saturday, December 7, 2013

Debora Patta covers and reports on the death of Nelson Mandela for the CBS Evening News in America and globally.

South Africa's Debora Patta was back on the air on Thursday evening in the United States (and seen in the early hours of Friday morning South African time on Sky News) as she once again reported for the CBS Evening News, this time on the death of Nelson Mandela.

Debora Patta who left eNCA (DStv 403) abruptly earlier this year, has done numerous, excellent stories and coverage of Nelson Mandela's deteriorating health condition in 2013 for the CBS Evening News.

In Thursday night's appearance she was the first reporter and correspondent on the programme.

Debora Patta said South Africa is readying for a period of "unprecedented mourning".

"I'm a journalist who's covered Nelson Mandela for many, many years. I'm also a South African who feels the pain that many South Africans will be feeling. How do you summarise the life of an extraordinary man in a few words?"

"He always had a twinkle in his eye. Greeted you as if you were a long lost friend. This was a man who was able to combine extraordinary generosity with power. A man adored, revered by this country. Our greatest pride," said Debora Patta.