Friday, December 6, 2013

BREAKING. 'M-Net mourns the passing of one of Africa's greatest sons. Hamba Kahle, Madiba!' says broadcaster after Madiba's death.

M-Net is the second South African broadcaster to publicly express condolences over the passing of Nelson Mandela.

"M-Net mourns the passing of one of Africa's greatest sons. Hamba Kahle, Madiba!" says M-Net in an on-air scroll.

The South African pay-TV broadcaster started running the scroll - white letters on a black banner - in the very early hours of Friday morning on the channel.

M-Net also turned all of the M-Net channel logo markers on all of the M-Net channels on MultiChoice's DStv platform to black.

Likewise all of the SuperSport channel logos on all of the SuperSport channels on DStv were turned black, signifying public mourning.

On the special tribute site MultiChoice has just made live at M-Net says:

"As a nation we owe so much to this one man it is hard to imagine South Africa without Nelson Mandela. He was a model of ethical conduct and humility whose memory we can honour by remembering the lessons he taught us. Farewell, Tata Madiba."

M-Net plans a special Carte Blanche episode dedicted to Nelson Mandela before Sunday's episode and which will run on Friday or Saturday on M-Net.

Besides the additional Carte Blanche episode, the line-up for Sunday's episode on M-Net will be reworked as a Nelson Mandela tribute.

According to sources MultiChoice will soon launch an events channel about Nelson Mandela with special programming and documentaries.