Thursday, March 7, 2013

H TOO? Will History's spin-off channel H2 make its way to DStv or TopTV in South Africa?

The spin-off TV channel from History (DStv ccc) known as H2 is going to be made available internationally for the first time and the big question is whether MultiChoice's DStv or On Digital Media's (ODM) TopTV will be adding the new TV channel of the older brother to their channel line-ups.

A+E Networks which runs History is preparing to launch its H2 channel in international markets for the first time, which means that H2 could be coming to South Africa if DStv or TopTV negotiates to add it.

Up until now H2 has only been available as a secondary History channel in North America and Canada, but H2 is now going global and A+E Networks is set to announce the first countries where H2 will be introduced shortly.

TopTV tells me that "it is too early to say whether or not this channel will be added to the platform. It depends on the outcome of the business rescue process, among other things."

Asked whether MultiChoice would be adding H2 during 2013 to the DStv bouquet or not, MultiChoice tells me that "MultiChoice is continually reviewing its offering to add more value to our customers – this includes reviewing our bouquets through research as well as the introduction of new channels. The announcements of new products and services in the media is only made when we are ready to launch."

H2 as a TV channel is more focused on documentaries and international -themed programming and has steered clear of the infusion of more reality-type programmes which has been seen on History the past few years.