Monday, December 17, 2012

RT news channel moves to full HD broadcasting and a new studio and headquarters in Moscow.

(DStv 405), the 24-hour TV news channel from Russia, has switched now switched all of its English-language news broadcasting to high definition (HD), with RT being down converted for countries such as South Africa.

RT's move to HD yesterday comes as the news channel moved its studios and headquarters to a brand-new fascility in Moscow.

In a press release RT sent to me, the news channel says RT's relocation on the eve of its seven year anniversary is the result of the extraordinary growth experienced by the network since its inception. "The HD broadcasting launch marks another important achievement by RT."

"We are incredibly proud of everything we have accomplished in just seven short years," says Margarita Somonyan, RT's editor-in-chief. "The upgraded capabilities of our new, technologically sophisticated fascility allow us to stay ahead of the competition."