Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BREAKING. SABC TV channels now themselves in charge of buying their own international TV content; dumps procurement through Content Hub.

You're reading it here first. 

The SABC's three TV channels - SABC1, SABC2 and SABC3 - are (once again) themselves in charge of buying their own foreign TV content through international distributors and what they want and think will work for their specific TV channel, and no longer through the beleaguered SABC's content hub.

The SABC's content hub was responsible for adding to the "qualified" of the SABC's constant qualified audits - because a massive amount of money was annually lost and had to be written off by the SABC after the SABC's content hub kept buying programming the SABC didn't have time to show (since broadcasting rights periods lapsed) or didn't want to show.

This has now changed and the SABC's content hub is no longer buying international TV content for the respective channels - they're now doing it themselves.

"What we are doing, moving forward is - in the past the SABC's content hub was responsible to go and buy [programming]. But the SABC's content hub was not responsible for the TV channels. They're not responsible for the scheduling," Hlaudi Motsoeneng, the SABC's acting chief operating officer just told parliament.

The SABC board is once again in parliament having to report back on the state of South Africa's public broadcaster.

"What we've done now is that the TV channels are in charge. If we go and buy the TV channel themselves take responsibility because they buy what they want. They don't go and buy just as people pleased to buy and then causing us qualifications [sic]," Hlaudi Motsoeneng said.

"This year we haven't received qualifications on international content because we have put measures in place on that issue," he said.