Thursday, August 9, 2012

MUST WATCH TONIGHT. Revenge on M-Net, starting tonight at 19:30 is an elaborate, intertwined and meticulously brilliant new TV drama.

The very best TV drama South African viewers are and will get to see this year has been and is the first season and current second season of Downton Abbey on BBC Entertainment (DStv 120) on Sunday nights - but the second best drama series (and it's superbly excellent!) of the year starts tonight on M-Net (DStv 101) and M-Net HD (DStv 170) at 19:30: Revenge.

Once you start watching Revenge, you will be caught up in an intriguing and brilliant new TV drama that will make you insane for the next episode. Emily (Emily VanCamp) returns to her childhood home - the elusive, exclusive, wealthy seaside community of the Hamptons in America.

Things happened when she was small (too tell more would be giving away major plot spoilers) and now she is out to take Revenge on everyone who've caused her dad to go to jail (he was framed) and destroyed her life.

The joy is of the show is how you as the viewer start to realize how everything has been planned out meticulously. In fact Emily is actually a sociopath I think - the way in which she can predict social reactions and responses based on cues, have developed an elaborate, intertwined and meticulously socially engineered plan over many years like a finely tuned human interaction puzzle, which she is now putting into motion - or in fact has for years!

Revenge is brilliant, the shockers unexpected, the end-of-episode cliffhangers true cliffhangers, the characters new and exciting and people you want to know more of, and when people start to arrive on the scene threatening to derail Emily's finely tuned plan(s), you start stressing and can't watch - but just have to.