Wednesday, August 15, 2012

DON'T CRY FOR THEM, ARGENTINA. Lynelle Kenned, Chamendran Naidoo, getting further opportunities.

You're reading it here first. 

They will be fine - I can reveal that the My Top Billing Dream contestants like Lynelle Kenned and Chamendran Naidoo who didn't make it (since Jonathan Boynton-Lee won)  are fielding offers and already have opportunities and tantalising prospects after their exposure on the reality show.

A reliable source told me that Chamendran Naidoo, a Navy doctor will be making some appearances on The Dr Mol Show on SABC3 in future with Michael Mol - in what capacity, for how long and what the extend of that will be is not yet clear.

Then there's Lynelle Kenned, the opera singer from Paarl who sang a duet with the Welsh Katherine Jenkins in the My Top Billing Dream finale which was shown Tuesday evening on SABC3.

In a terrific made-for-TV moment (and according to reliable sources close to the production final confirmation was only clinched super early this morning!) Katherine Jenkins had a big surprise for Lynelle Kenned live on the air on Expresso this morning on SABC3.

The Welsh singer asked Lynelle Kenned if she wants to sing a song on stage during Katherine Jenkins' stage show this Friday evening at the GrandWest arena.

"I wondered if you would want to come and perform your own number at my show on Friday?" Katherine Jenkins said. "It would be incredible! I would love that! Yes! Yes! Of course!" a stunned and surprised Lynelle Kenned said.

Of course their is also already talk that Lynelle Kenned could be joining SABC2's Pasella as a new presenter soon. She is actually Afrikaans and since Top Billing "stole" Jo-Anne Strauss a few years back ago Pasella, rumours are swirling in the industry that Top Billing might now give Lynelle Kenned the opportunity to possibly join Pasella after they've discovered her.

On Tuesday evening I asked Lynelle Kenned about that. "I don't anything about it at the moment but it would be wonderful. I love singing, I love opera and I would like to continue to do that; if its possible to keep singing and to fit in some TV work that would be wonderful, I just don't know if that would be possible," the bubbly contestant told me.