Tuesday, May 29, 2012

e.tv fine for 'too repetitive and violent' dead Gaddafi footage on eNews lowered to R10 000 after appeal.

After an appeal by e.tv and the broadcaster's news division, eNews, the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA) has lowered the one fine levelled against the broadcaster for what the BCCSA termed too violent and too repetitive footage of Libya's dead Colonel Gaddafi.

The appeal against the other fine over failure to advise viewers over "extraordinary violence" in a main report, was upheld.

In February the BCCSA found e.tv's eNews as well as the eNews Channel (DStv 403) guilty and fined the broadcaster R35 000 for what it described as ''unnecessary detail'' of graphic bloody images of the attack that led to the death of the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. e.tv appealed the ruling.

What basically has now happened is that the BCCSA decided in an appeal hearing to keep the one fine for what it says was too violent imagery, and that it has reduced the other fine for the multiple repeats - lumping that transgression and seeing it as one infringement together.

"We have decided to regard the gross negligence by the appellant in allowing the headlines to be broadcast in five newscast without warning its viewers in advance, as one incident of negligence, justifying a fine of R10 000, said the BCCSA of the original R25 000 fine which was reduced.

In upholding the ruling the BCCSA tribunal says in the appeals judgement that "in our view the news bulletin starts with the headlines and everything from the start to the finish is covered by the respective clauses on onews in the two codes."

With the one fine reduced, e.tv's R35 000 total fine has now been reduced to R20 00 and has to be paid before the end of May.