Sunday, May 13, 2012

BREAKING. Beauty and the Beast with Kristin Kreuk picked up as a new fantasy TV drama.

Smallville's Kristin Kreuk is returning to regular series television as the star in the new Beauty and the Beast fantasy drama series which will become a new TV show from later in the year.

This new Beauty and the Beast - one of two TV shows which produced pilot episodes simultaneously  for possible pick-up and with this one now getting the go-ahead - is based on the beloved cult classic 80's drama series set in New York with Linda Hamilton as Catherine and Ron Perlman as Vincent and which South African viewers saw on TV4.

This time Kristin Kreuk will plan Catherine Chandler and Jay Ryan the "Beast" Vincent Koslow in this updated modern-day romantic love story with a procedural twist.

This Beauty and the Beast is from America's CW network, but meanwhile there is another Beauty and the Beast - at the same time - developed by the ABC network in America. This Beauty and the Beast - which has not yet been either confirmed or confirmed as not going ahead, will now obviously get another title if it does get picked up as a regular new TV drama.

This other Beauty is from Jericho's Jonathan Steinberg, and has a more fantastical, classic fairy tale setting, similar to Once Upon a Time with Ruth Bradley as the beauty called Grace and Darius Campbell as Shiro, her beastly bodyguard with whom she forms an unlikely bond.

If it becomes a regular TV series, this second show will be set "in a mythical, dangerous world wherein a beautiful and tough Princess discovers an unlikely connection with a mysterious beast."