Wednesday, March 2, 2011

KEEPING KULI: How Mzansi Magic condones hate speech and is doing massive damage to its brand image by keeping Kuli Roberts.

Mzansi Magic (DStv 107) is doing massive damage to its brand as a new and diverse TV channel by keeping the bigoted socialite Kuli Roberts on the schedule and is trampling on its image as an inclusive channel for all South Africa.

By choosing for Kuli Roberts instead of siding with a big portion of misaligned viewers and an even bigger general and very upset South Africa, Mzansi Magic is showing that offensive on-air TV personalities that don't like a certain part of the South African population, will be welcome on the channel.

''We embrace diversity,'' says Mzansi Magic's channel manager Lebone Maema in a press release issued two hours ago, but the words echo hollow since the channel has decided to keep giving a voice to the hateful Kuli Roberts who wrote that coloured women ''breed as if on a mission by Allan Boesak'' and other disgusting comments.

''Mzansi Magic does not endorse the views expressed by Kuli Roberts,'' says Lebone Maema - yet Mzansi Magic keeps giving her a platform to be seen and heard. What Mzansi Magic is in essence doing is the same as saying ''I do not endorse my child shooting other children with the gun from my house,'' and refusing to take the gun away. By keeping Kuli Roberts on the air after her repulsive remarks about a certain South African demographic, Mzansi Magic is now polarizing its audience as well as people's view on the channel. Viewers who might have watched, won't; some who've watched the channel won't anymore; some who didn't might now.

ALSO READ: Mzansi Magic to Kuli Roberts: Apologize on-air for what you did!
ALSO READ: ''M-Net is NOT happy with Kuli Roberts right now'' - sources.
ALSO READ: Why M-Net and Mzansi Magic should distance themselves from Kuli Roberts right now and cancel her Headline show.