Wednesday, March 2, 2011

DStv subscribers very positive about DStv on Demand; MultiChoice keeps adding ISPs and is looking at strengthening the service.

The innovative DStv on Demand service from MultiChoice launched in May last year really is in my opinion one of the pay TV platform's new strengths - a great time-shifting TV service, few technical hiccups for the end consumer and DStv subscriber, and a inventive, startlingly effective next step as an added-value. I approached MultiChoice with a few questions regarding DStv on Demand to catch up with what DStv on Demand is working on, where the service is at and how it's expanding, and what DStv on Demand is envisioning next.

Since DStv on Demand started in August [I'm wrong, it's actually May] what has been the response so far, what do subscribers seem to enjoy the most from DStv on Demand on television and DStv on Demand in terms of its online component and offering?
The DStv On Demand CatchUp service was launched at the beginning of May 2010. The response from DStv Premium subscribers has been very positive – about the CatchUp service on television, as well as the online component.

DStv on Demand's online service and availability is steadily growing beyond the initial MWeb. How is it expanding and what is it that DStv and DStv Online need or is looking for as a threshhold from internet service providers (ISP's) to allow then to make this service available, and is that becoming easier - or or what is the situation?
In August, the online service became available to the customers of ISPs outside of MWeb, namely Vox Telecom, Neology, Cybersmart and FNB Connect. DStv is committed to delivering the highest possible quality of service to our subscribers. As a result, we request certain guarantees from our ISP partners – the most important of which is high quality broadband access. MWeb was the first ISP to meet our quality of service and technical requirements, as has Vox Telecom, Neology, Cybersmart and FNB Connect.
Negotiations with other ISPs are currently underway. As soon as the other ISPs are able to meet our technical requirements, DStv On Demand will be more widely available online. Our aim is to offer the service to as many broadband subscribers as possible. The full list of all accredited ISPs and their realms can be found at

How does DStv/DStv Online feel about the reaction so far from subscribers or the way that people have been taking to this, and have been making use of this expanded platform and service for TV content?
As mentioned, the On Demand service was launched in May. We are encouraged by the positive response from subscribers to this value added service.

What is DStv or DStv Online possibly looking at in terms of expanding the scope of the service or maybe options or ''customizations'', or is it still to just get subscribers used to the service and making them aware of it?
We are always looking for ways to improve our offering or to give our subscribers more value. The On Demand service is no exception. When we are ready to announce further developments, we will do so.