Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pasella's Dieter Voigt: ''I want to look better after this winter than what my body's ever looked before.''

While the rest of us are exhibiting severe squirrel-like behaviour and hibernating in our warm homes, a select few are working those muscles hard this winter on maintaining the body beautiful. Like SABC2's Pasella presenter and male model Dieter Voigt who wants to be in the best shape of his life when the summer rolls around at the end of the year.

''I want to look better after this winter than what my body's ever looked before after this season,'' Dieter Voigt tells me who still enjoys his work as one of the presenters on SABC2's weekly Pasella on Wednesdays at 19:30. ''It's definitely more difficult to go exercise in the mornings in the winter – its warm and cosy under the blankets,'' he laughs. ''But the dog keeps me going. It's my routine and I have to keep it up. For the first time in my life I'm running in actual running tights and long sleeve tops and things. I've set very specific goals for myself for the winter. It's on my focus wall and I constantly keep reminding myself of that and it's a priority every single day.''

I asked Dieter Voigt how much time he's spending on exercise now that its winter time. ''There's several fascets to it,'' he tells me. ''Keep fit is about eight hours a week – that's the cycling and running. Then gymming is around four hours a week. But its often in a room,'' he adds, ''or if I only have a half hour available, I only do 20 push-ups. I try and adapt it around my schedule and busy diary.''