Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Survivor SA Santa Carolina: 10 questions with Sade Giliberti.

When Survivor SA Santa Carolina on Wednesdays on M-Net at 19:30 started, I asked all the contestants the same 10 questions - from their best physical assets, their swimwear, who'd they want to have on the island with them, and even if sand got into places it shouldn't have!

I've already run the answers of Ashley Hayden RIGHT HERE, Izak Davel RIGHT HERE, Proverb RIGHT HERE, and today it's Sade Giliberti's turn.

Click on READ MORE below to see what Sade Giliberti answers.

10 questions with Ashley Hayden.

10 questions with Izak Davel.

10 questions with Proverb.

1. If you have to describe Survivor SA Santa Carolina in terms of the crowd, would you describe it as kindergarden, primary school or high school - and why?
Totally high school - because that's when you really are so petty and bitchy and the whole world seems to come to an end when things don't go your way.

2. Did sand get into a place where it irritated you and what was it?
Sand got EVERYWHERE! And I mean everywhere . . .

3. Choose one word to describe Survivor SA Santa Carolina to tell viewers why they have to make sure they don't miss a moment.
It's RAW. It's ''celebs" in their rawest form, something you probably will never see again. And it goes to show how ''normal'' celebs actually are.

4. What will viewers NOT know about the swimwear that they will get to see you in?
That its the same swimwear you wear for the whole time you are on the island. Gross!

5. If you could have chosen, what local celebrity would you have wanted to be a part of Survivor SA Santa Carolina with you?
DJ Fresh. I think he would have been a blast to have on the island.

6. The first thought right after I heard I'm definitely going to be on Survivor SA Santa Carolina, was . . .
Wooo-hooo. I'm going to be on frikkin Survivor! Yeah. If only I knew, huh?

7. What do you consider to be your best physical asset - and what do you think you bring in terms of brains?
My abs. And I'm a logical thinker.

8. On a more serious note, is there something in real-life that you feel you have conquered and ''survived'' before doing Survivor SA Santa Carolina?
I have conquered and 'survived' a lot in my real life - nothing to the extent of what you conquer on a deserted island, but enough to make me realise that I am tough and strong little cookie. I've been mugged, smash and grabbed and had knives and guns pointed at me. I've had break downs, been on meds and dropped to the point where I didn't think I could pull myself up again. After all of that, Survivor SA seems like childs play.

9. What and whom did you miss the most while you played the game and why?
My dad - I missed him the most, he is the most important person in my life. I love him insanely. And my best friend Suzi - she means the world to me and more. I've never had a friend like her (I don't think) she is amazing. Oh and I missed my ''crush''.

10. What is a new life lesson/motto that you've come away from the island with, something general that you've learned about life/people?
Appreciate the small little things, because they end up being the biggest things that we miss when we lose them.

Survivor SA Santa Carolina, Wednesdays, M-Net, 19:30