Tuesday, January 5, 2010

BREAKING. TVIEC upset about being misrepresented in flawed Sunday Times article.

You're reading it here first.

Maybe you read THIS analysis HERE I did very early on Sunday morning of what I personally thought was an awfully bad piece of journalism by The Sunday Times on the SABC.

Well, the TV Industry Emergency Coalition  (TVIEC) just chimed in and says they were MISREPRESENTED in the piece of the article where the TVIEC is mentioned when asked about the appointment of the SABC's new CEO, Solly Mokoetle.

''We do not feel Mr Mokoetle’s appointment was ''unfortunate'' as the article alludes. On the contrary, we stated publicly and to The Sunday Times that we had no problem with Mr Mokoetle’s appointment and welcomed him. However we found it unfortunate that this appointment was made on the eve of the SABC interim board’s departure and not left to the incoming board as they will be working closely with the new CEO''.

As I said on Sunday: A souped up old story, old news, old news, ''source(s)'' who in this case shouldn't have been allowed to remain anonymous, and a bad piece of journalism full of mistakes.