Here's Wayoe's first eviction interview in print.
What did you think of your Big Brother experience?
It's a jungle in there man. Because it was just men it's very different. When women are present, guys react and behave differently. With just the men, it's like it's a jungle. It's much harder. When the women arrive I think the guys will change. What I can tell you is everyone in there is very intelligent.
Was there something that threw you in the house, that you didn't anticipate would happen and that you were not really prepared for?
Eddy that was a twin floored me. I mean, the one moment I was talking to Eddy and he seemed to understand me perfectly, and then I would talk to ''Eddy'' and he would get what I was saying and didn't seem to understand me - but meanwhile I was talking to his brother! That was a great twist.
What did you think of the house?
Changing the batteries in the diary room and making sure that you are transmitting kept you aware of everything that's going on in the house and what it's all about. The guys started to suspect things regarding the house and the walls - like the one wall that sounds hollow because we new the women had to arrive sometime.
What will you do next?
Well I want to go back to my country and since I am in the media but have a legal background I want to do investigative journalism. I will look a bit into radio and other things. First I think I will relax a bit - maybe a bit of therapy! (he laughs). I want to improve and expand the level of investigative journalism in my country.