Friday, December 3, 2010

BREAKING. Nicky Greenwall's utterly unbelievable (and shocking!) new job: TV presenter for the Papparazzi Channel!

You're reading it here first.

Nicky Greenwall now works as a presenter for the Papparazzi Channel!

Or so it seems. Casual TV viewers might wonder why a blonde in a red dress who looks remarkably like Nicky Greenwall from's weekly entertainment magazine show The Showbiz Report (Okay. It is her) is suddenly on television and appearing on a brand-new TV channel that suspiciously looks a lot like E! Entertainment.

Providing breathless reporting, the ever-energetic Nicky Greenwall interrupts the normal programming with some breaking news on the Papparazzi channel, complete with a red-and-white ''P'' exclamation icon as the channel logo in the corner.

It turns out the sexy showbiz TV reporter kept her day, uhm, night job as presenter and executive producer of the prime time The Showbiz Report.

Nicky Greenwall's playing-to-type appearance, and the Papparazzi Channel are all part of a Hansa Pilsner TV commercial in which the fictitious channel appears. Funny thing is, the ad is playing on various TV channels including the SABC. That means that an on-air personality now appears on a TV screen inside a commercial on a competitor's airwaves, in an indirect way. Now that's pure Papparazzi pleasure.