by Thinus Ferreira
The crime-comedy film The Drop, directed by Jonathan Parkinson and written by Athos Kyriakides will debut on eMedia's eVOD on 30 January, starring Didintle Khunou, Siyabonga Xaba, Garion Dowds, Bonko Khoza and Makgotso Monyemorathoe.
Produced and distributed by Known Associates, The Drop is the story of three flatmates whose mundane lives take a turn after they find themselves at the wrong end of a bank heist gone wrong.
When a robber crashes into their apartment with a bag full of stolen
money, the trio's ordinary world is turned upside down.
What follows is botched escape plans, run-ins with
law enforcement and an intimidating Russian mobster who wants his money back.
The Drop was filmed on location in Johannesburg's Maboneng precinct which the producers call a "cinematic love letter to Johannesburg's gritty charm and vibrant energy".
"As a director, my goal was to craft a film that blends high-stakes action with
relatable, character-driven storytelling, with a wicked and sometimes quirky
comedic undertone," says director Jonathan Parkinson.
"The Drop is unapologetically South African, and it’s been an
incredible journey bringing this vision to life alongside an exceptional team,
and seriously talented cast."
Tshepiso Chikapa-Phiri, producer and Known Associates group CEO, says "This
is more than just a film; it's a statement about the vibrancy and resilience of
South African storytelling".
"The Drop captures the grit, humour, and
unfiltered energy of Johannesburg while showcasing the immense talent our
country has to offer. We're excited to deliver a story that's bold,
unapologetically local, and universally relatable."