Monday, April 4, 2022

Heindrich Wyngaard exits KN Verslag on kykNET to head up new political pressure group, will continue to host talk show KLOP! on kykNET & Kie.

by Thinus Ferreira

Heindrich Wyngaard has exited as anchor of the current affairs show KN Verslag on kykNET (DStv 144) to become chairperson of the new political public pressure group Kaapse Forum in Cape Town, although he will remain the host of the kykNET Afrikaans talk show KLOP! on kykNET & Kie (DStv 145). 

Suzaan Keyter, kykNET spokesperson, told TVwithThinus in response to a media query that Heindrich Wyngaard has finished as a KN Verslag anchor but that KLOP! continues with Heindrich Wyngaard as presenter.

kykNET didn't explain why Heindrich Wyngaard is exiting as anchor of KN Verslag but how and why it's possible for him to remain an anchor of another TV show while he is chairperson of Kaapse Forum.

Suzaan Steyn continues as anchor of KN Verslag, produced by IdeaCandy, with KN Verslag that experienced a dramatic and fast turn-over of anchors in 2022 so far.

kykNET plans to end KN Verslag in mid-2022 and wants to change the channel's actuality offering this year.

KN Verslag in Gesprek met Waldimar Pelser was renamed to In Gesprek met Waldimar Pelser, after which Waldimar Pelser was appointed as the new kykNET boss.

The show then rebranded to In Gesprek met Lourensa Eckhard who moved from KN Verslag to fill Waldimar Pelser's chair on Thursday nights.

Suzaan Steyn was then added to fill Lourensa Eckhard's spot, with Suzaan Steyn and Heindrich Wyngaard alternating as KN Verslag anchors. Heindrich Wyngaard's exit leaves just Suzaan Steyn.