Wednesday, March 6, 2019

eNCA condemns EFF attack on Karima Brown after the political party reveals her cellphone number, leading to a barrage of abuse.

The eNCA (DStv 403) South African TV news channel is condemning the attack of the EFF on Karima Brown after the political party revealed her cellphone number, leading to a barrage of abuse.

Karima Brown received threatening and abusive message after the EFF publicised her cellphone number on social media.

It happened after Karima Brown posted an editorial brief in an EFF media Whatsapp group instead of to eNCA journalists, after the political party posted an invitation to an EFF "Breakfast with rhe Elderly" event set for Wednesday.

Karima Brown posted: "Keep an eye out for this. Who are these elders. Are they all male and how are they chosen. Keep watching brief". After a while she deleted the message from the Whatsapp group.

Julius Malema, EFF leader then retweeted a screenshot of the message and added Karima Brown's cellphone number, saying: "Karima Brown is sending moles to our breakfast with the elders tomorrow, she incidentally sends the message to the EFF media Whatsapp group and deleted it immediately."

Karima Brown immediately started to get messages ranging from verbal abuse to insults and threats, including rape threats.

eNCA in a statement says it condemns the EFF attacks on Karima Brown.

"eNCA condemns in the strongest possible terms threats of violence and verbal attacks by supporters of the EFF including its leader Julius Malema against current affairs host Karima Brown," says Jeremy Maggs, eNCA acting managing director and editor.

"In particular, we take extreme exception to her life being threatened, threats of rape; her telephone number being disseminated and the derogatory names she is being called."

"We stand in full agreement with the South African National Editors Forum (Sanef) that this is also a hostile attack on media freedom in this country, particularly in a highly charged pre-election political climate in which all media houses are operating."

"We concur with Sanef that party leader Julius Malema owes Karima Brown an apology and call on the EFF to immediately cease this intimidation and bullying."

"Karima Brown is the presenter of a Sunday morning show called The Fix which takes a robust and analytical look at political issues facing the country."

"She also performs the role of political commentator where she is called on from time to time to provide analysis and insight into political stories. In the short term, she is also performing the role of consulting producer on the evening show Tonight with Jane Dutton where she assists in developing content and providing guidance when called upon."

"With reference to a WhatsApp message that Karima Brown put out, it was simply one of guidance to our political team and pertinent questions we would ask of any political party."

"The issues queried in the message revolve around a point of how a young party with no significant body of retired past leadership selects a body of elders. It is, therefore, a legitimate question that deserves an answer rather than an attack on the questioner," says eNCA.

"eNCA believes it would have been instructive and less damaging to all concerned had the EFF simply engaged on the matter with the station before resorting to what amounts to unfair harassment and aggression."

"If the EFF has any complaints about content on the station or issues with individual presenters and reporters there are accepted avenues to follow including the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa."

The South African National Editors' Forum (Sanef) in a statement on Wednesday said it condemns the "systemic, abusive and cruel social media attack levelled against KarimaBrown by the Economic Freedom Front leader Julius Malema and his supporters".

"Malema published the cellphone number of Karima Brown and, shortly thereafter, his supporters began a barrage of insults against her - calling her, among other derogatory names, 'an Indian whore and bitch' and levelling insults, threatening her life, and accusing her of allegedly sending moles to spy on them."

"This after Brown posted a message on an EFF Whatsapp group. The message was meant for a journalist group instead."

Sanef said the EFF should "stop with this vicious attack on the media and allow journalists to do their work without fear and intimidation".

"If the EFF leadership has evidence and/or concerns about Karima Brown or any other member of the media they must deal with this in the correct forum including the Broadcasting Complaints Commission (BCCSA) and online or the Press Ombudsman/Council for Print and Online."

"From a Sanef position there is empirical evidence to show that when senior party leaders and politicians muzzle journalists, their supporters follow in their footsteps."

The EFF in a statement on Wednesday said "The EFF has long held a position that Karima Brown is not a journalist, but an openly admitted ANC operative".

"All journalists who hold legitimate positions, and whose integrity has always been consistent with journalistic ethics, should care about what role Karima Brown plays in the media."

"Upon accidentally dropping what looks like briefing notes in an EFF media statements Whatsapp group, we have since exposed those notes to the public. As a result, she has argued that those were editorial notes for eNCA journalists."

"We know for a fact that Karima Brown holds no editorial positions, not even an assignment editor's position at the eNCA. We urge the eNCA to explain in what capacity, she would be briefing journalists who are going on assignments to cover EFF meetings."

"Our argument is with her, because we believe she holds no position, anywhere, to be deploying journalists to cover any news. If Karima Brown is no official editor, and yet the eNCA allows her to hold such power, they must say so. This will make matters easy for us, as we will, from henceforth, deal with her and not the officially designated editors".