Friday, July 20, 2018

Skolopad warns artists about exploitation after she's shamed to cut her appearance fee: 'Start knowing how much you're worth'.

The South African artist Nonhlanhla Qwabe, known as Skolopad, told an amateur promotor to take a hike after she was shamed into lowering her appearance asking fee for an event, making the discussion public and warning South African entertainers that artists shouldn't allow this type of exploitation that often start with event organisers.

An unidentified event organiser contacted Skolopad on Whatsapp to do an event appearance and amateurishly then started complaining after she stated that her appearance fee was R8 500.

The promotor then tried to get her to lower it to R4 000, and then proceeded to try to emotionally blackmail her in accepting less than half her asking fee, by saying  things like "I am happy to remove you from this event" and "It's either you take R4 000 or the deal is off".

The famously underwearless Skolopad, known for her buzzworthy performance art and racy outfits on South African red carpets, says exposure doesn't pay artists and performers' bills and that local entertainers need to stop the shameless exploitation that often start with event organisers themselves.

Before trying to get her to lower her price, the amateur event organiser foolishly wanted Skolopad to also post about the event on social media, after which she reminded the person "thanks, but I can post on my timeline after the [payment of the] 75% deposit of the amount agreed upon".

She was then asked her fee and after she said R8 500 - excluding accommodation for her an her style team entourage of 4 people in 2 hotel rooms - was told the event organiser can't afford it.

That's where it all should have ended, but the promotor then started to try and "shame" Skolopad down in her price and doing so in a message discussion instead of a personal call - two things that proper professional promotors and event organisers simply don't do.

'It's either you take R4 000, or the deal is off'
"I don't think you were being reasonable and fair to me. How do you charge me R8 000 and still expect me to book 2 rooms for you and your entourage and still feed and entertain all 4 of you? The other 3, what is going to be their role playing in this event, nothing!"

"So, you think I will pay R8 000 and still book hotel rooms for the 4 of you. That will never happen and I am happy to remove you from this event," the organiser told Skolopad.

The organiser had the audacity to tell Skolopad further that she should be happy with less money because "You might be a brand ambassador for it and we are all happy". 

"Not so long ago you came to perform in the Vaal for R1 500 and yet you charge me R8 000, please don't. It's either you take R4 000, or the deal is off".

Skolopad responded with a perfect Bye, Felicia: "It's ok my dear".

After making the discussion public, Skolopad wrote "The exploitation thing start from the event organisers. Not knowing when they exploit us, the other people automatically get exploited. Start knowing how much you're worth, then people will respect you. Building a brand is not easy."