Friday, February 26, 2016

Al Jazeera self-censors and pulls its own content after a satirical article that's critical of Al Jazeera America that's shutting down.

Al Jazeera (DStv 406  /StarSat 257) has self-censored itself and deleted a critical and satirical article about Al Jazeera America that is shutting down at the end of April.

Al Jazeera self-censored, by pulling the article "Six Hot Media Startups to Watch in 2016" and replacing it with an editor's note.

The editor's note says that Al Jazeera "has removed the satirical piece originally posted on this link, which included commentary on our company that we believe was not appropriate given its imminent closure".

The satirical story which talked about various media companies, included Al Jazeera America "as the top one to watch".

The little watched version of Al Jazeera in America never managed to pull in enough viewers to justify its existence