Monday, November 10, 2014

Lara Logan quarantined in South Africa over Ebola after visiting Liberia for a week to report on the deadly disease ravaging West Africa.

Lara Logan of CBS News is quarantined in South Africa over Ebola after a week long visit to Liberia to report on the disease ravaging the country and West Africa.

Lara Logan, who is from South Africa, is now in a hotel in South Africa, where she and her 60 Minutes colleagues are self-quarantined following their week long Liberia visit.

Lara Logan on Sunday night told CBS' 60 Minutes Overtime that the crew is spending a lot of time in the hotel "where the government has given us permission to work during our quarantine".

"We wanted to try and, as much as possible, minimise our exposure to anybody, while we still had to get our piece done."

"We were very mindful of the fact that this 21 day period after you've been in an Ebola infected country is very important to everybody," says Lara Logan, admitting to "cabin-fever" in the South African hotel.

"I haven't left the building since we've arrived here," says Lara Logan.