Friday, September 13, 2013

Strictly Come Dancing on SABC3's worldwide record for the 6th season: injuries, accidents, mishaps and sadness.

Strictly Come Dancing on SABC3 which just concluded its 6th season on SABC3 produced by Rapid Blue and which saw winners Zakeeya Patel and Ryan Hammond take the glitter ball home, broke a global record: the most accidents, mishaps and sadness for a single season anywhere in the world of this dance floor format reality show.

"Strictly Come Dancing started with Graeme Richards in a car accident on his way to the very first rehearsal," says Kee-Leen Irvine, Rapid Blue's managing director and executive producer of Strictly Come Dancing.

"Then Grant Esterhuizen had an accident. Then Jay Anstey hurt her back. Then Connie Ferguson's mom passed away. Then Mpho Popps got food poisoning - and I'm sure one of the other dancers had something to do with that," Kee-Lee Irvine joked.

"L'Vovo sprained his ankle, Kuli Roberts was running a fever that was higher than her number of followers on Twitter. So we've decided that the theme song for this season of Strictly Come Dancing is "I'm a Survivor",' Kee-Leen Irvine said.