Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Enter Survivor South Africa Champions on M-Net which will be filming for the entire month of October 2013 with Mark Fish and Corne Krige.

South Africans can now enter Survivor South Africa Champions, the next season in M-Net's local Survivor reality show version with 27 episodes which will be filmed during the entire month of October 2013 in an as yet undisclosed location with soccer player Mark Fish, and rugby player Corne Krige as tribe captains.

Contestants who want to enter the open casting process to possibly be selected for the Endemol South Africa produced reality show, will have to be available for the entire month of October 2013 and will have to have a passport valid until at least April 2014.

Nationwide auditions for Survivor South Africa Champions take place from 09:00 in Johannesburg on Thursday 1 August at the Indaba Hotel; in Cape Town on Thursday 8 August at the River Club; and in Durban on Thursday 15 August at the BAT Centre.

Contestants are advised to be there from 08:00 already to ensure an audition spot before the producers. Registration will close on 15:00 on the respective days.

Contestants need to be older than 18, be able to swim, healthy, and need to complete a registration form either before the time or fill it in there - and indicate as well whether you want to be on Mark Fish or Corne Krige's tribe.

Contestants attending the nationwide auditions can wear what they like. Contestants will be subjected to medical and psychological tests and background checks.

Contestants will need to motivate and tell a good story as to why they want to be on Survivor South Africa Champions and how and why you think you will be able to win.