Monday, June 3, 2013

NO CONSPIRACY. People of the South on SABC3 HAS repeats and all episodes ARE repeated. Even the disgusting Robert Mugabe ones.

There's no conspiracy: While everyone seems unable to provide the information, the truth, and the facts I can - and will - gladly tell when viewers can see the repeats and rebroadcasts of Politics People of the South on SABC3.

A fake rumour is swirling that the episode of People of the South with Dali Thambo - apparently "suddenly" controversial after the fake-pathetic softball interview with that self-delusional African dictator of the former Rhodesia which was filmed just before Christmas 2012 - has been "canned" by SABC3.

That's seemingly because there is no repeat "anymore" this Wednesday morning.

Grow up, people. Nothing has suddenly been replaced, nothing was canned and there is no controversy or conspiracy. A wide number of people who can tell you this when you do the journalism:

There is a repeat of People of the South and there is a repeat of this episode. And viewers will still see the latest People of the South series multiple times in future since the SABC is not commissioning enough local content and will wring every last opportunity out of any content it - and the department of communications have financed and paid for such as People of the South - to the maximum extend.

Episode 16 - that is part one of the Robert Mugabe diatribe which aired last night, Sunday 2 June on SABC3 will repeat next week 12 June on SABC3 when viewers are able to see Dali dining with a despot at 09:30.

This coming Sunday night's episode of People of the South - part two  or episode 17 out of 26 - the one in which dear Grace Mugabe gives Dali Thambo a tour of a farm which was actually reposessed from a "colonial" white farmer in the famine ravaged country, will be shown the week after that, on 19 June at 09:30 on SABC3.

Why no episode this week? It's general information that the Champions Trophy Cricket is starting this week on SABC3 which is causing major schedule disruption on the channel. On some days there might not even be an hour long primetime news bulletin, so how can there be a Dr Mol Show repeat if even primtime is struggling to get a slot?

Then SABC3 also decided early in May already to build up a bit of a gap between the primetime showing of People of the South and the repeat.