Tuesday, May 7, 2013

SABC forced to reinstate Lorraine Francois as chief audit executive after the CMMA finds SABC's actions 'substantively unfair'.

The struggling South African public broadcaster has been forced to reinstate Lorraine Francois as the SABC's chief audit executive after she was suspended in November 2012 with the CCMA saying Lorraine Francois' suspension due to alleged misconduct was "procedurally and substantively unfair".

The SABC failed to prove any allegations of misconduct against Lorraine Francois after she challenged her suspension.

The now-gone former SABC chairperson dr. Ben Ngubane wrote to Lorraine Francois in November 2012 telling her that she was allegedly working against the interests and authority of the SABC board which "negatively impacts" the SABC. Shortly after this she was suspended.

Dr. Ben Ngubane's letter came about after Lorraine Francois as chief audit executive tasked Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo (SNG), an external auditing company, to investigate and compile a report on the SABC's corporate governance operations.

Lorraine Francois tried in vain to meet with dr. Ben Ngubane about the completed report and was then suspended.

Lorraine Francois went to the CCMA which found that her suspension was "procedurally and substaitively unfair" and that the allegations which the SABC made against her were "very vague".