Thursday, May 16, 2013

Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu now hawking new Ariel washing powder; putting her credibility on the line in an ad already fuzzing the truth.

Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu, the weekday talk show host of Three Talk with Noeleen on SABC3 at 16:35 is now putting her credibility on the line, shilling in TV commercials for the new Ariel washing powder.

There's already a credibility problem right from the beginning of the Ariel TV advert. Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu's first words are: "I came across this flyer. It's from a new washing powder called Ariel that's now available in South Africa." Really? Came across it? And a flyer on carton?

Why does the man in the white coat speaking with a thick German accent to come across as a scientist, appear to have had his voice dubbed? Weird.

At the same time two of the 7de Laan soap on SABC2's actors/characters are also appearing in a cleaning product's TV commercial, although they appear as their characters, making the possible impact on their personal credibility somewhat less should a consumer feel that the product is perhaps not working as they expected or were led to believe.

As all celebrities, TV personalities have to be very careful - especially when they hold a certain position, perceived media credibility or aspirational status - as to what commercial products they endorse, adverts they appear in and what impact that brand has on their own brand as a person.