Monday, April 15, 2013

Priority of new SABC interim board is to 'stabilise' the public broadcaster; new chairperson says public concern 'is valid' over board upheaval.

In a "rediffusion" meeting between the SABC's top executives held with SABC staff, workers at the beleaguered public broadcaster were asked that "all staff put all hands on deck, to adhere to issues of corporate governance and that they focus on productivity and efficiencies in the organisation".

The trade union, the Media Workers Association of South Africa (Mwasa) responded in a strongly worded statement, saying that a perpetual dark cloud of depravity, ineptitude, self-interest and corruption looms large over the SABC".

The new chairperson of the SABC's interim board, Zandile Tshabalala, says the interim SABC board's priority is to "stabilise" the SABC.

"I think the concern for the public is valid that the SABC has had two board changes in one term which is an anomaly," says Zandile Tshabalala.