"TV Tattle comes to an end. TV Tattle is calling it quits. This is the end of the line. Thanks for reading."
That's the shocking shocking and abrupt end to the TV Tattle site ending its daily summary and digest of must know/wanna know stories about television with links.
TV Tattle which existed for a massive 13 years since it was launched in 2000, was run by Norman Weiss and proved a massive help to TV writers, TV critics and journalists covering television across the world.
It was this journalist and TV critic's number one most favourite site and the first place I went to whenever I worked through my daily list of Favourites. I've checked it like a compulsive hamster clicking for a pellet in a Pavlovian experiment for years. YEARS.
And I can think of quite a few South African TV critics and writers who - like me - are probably definitely freaking out right now and flailing in the wind like a child who just got a trusted old teddybear or blankey ripped away. (What a cruel, cruel world.)
He explains to Jim Romenesko that ad revenue had dwindled so much that it no longer pays the bills.
"I want to continue doing TV Tattle. I'd love to continue doing it. But I've exhausted all options when it comes to advertising and so I've had no choice but to pull the plug," he explained to Jim Romenesko.
The great, great site combed the interwebs meticulously day after day finding the nuggets, the titbits, the must-reads and the laugh-out-louds of the medium called American television and is exactly as old as I've been writing professionally (meaning getting paid) about television as well.
It's a terribly shame and sadness that TV Tattle is ending. It means even more harder work for a lot of journalists and a lot of TV critics - in America, as definitely in South Africa, and maybe other countries around the globe too.
Rest in peace, TV Tattle. My most favouritest, bestest, had-to-read-always, had-to-check-always website in all of the interwebs. The thing out of the hundreds of things I read daily, which I read first. The thing which was right at the very top of my list. Missed doesn't even come remotely close to the feeling the end of the TV Tattle line makes me feel.
Rest in peace, TV Tattle. My most favouritest, bestest, had-to-read-always, had-to-check-always website in all of the interwebs. The thing out of the hundreds of things I read daily, which I read first. The thing which was right at the very top of my list. Missed doesn't even come remotely close to the feeling the end of the TV Tattle line makes me feel.