Thursday, January 17, 2013

SOS Coalition concerned about SABC's latest employment plans; 'we insist the SABC follows proper procedure in appointments'.

The Support Public Broadcasting Coalition (SOS Coalition), a pressure group representing a vast number of the biggest industry stakeholders in South Africa's public broadcasting sphere, says its concerned about the SABC's plans to turn freelancers into full-time employees of the beleaguered and already bloated and over-staffed South African public broadcaster.

"The SABC has a policy that clearly stipulates that all positions must be advertised and all employees and citizens should be given the opportunity to apply for such positions."

"By simply converting freelancers into permanent employees the opportunity to apply for those positions is taken away from current and prospective employees and it opens the door for employment of friends and family members," says the SOS Coalition which represents the bulk of the South African television industry including trade unions, media and academic institutes and all major film and TV production organisations.

"This also flies in the face of one of the conditions of the corporation's R1,47 billion government guarantee. The guarantee calls for the corporation to cut its headcount and its wage bill," says the SOS Coalition in the statement.

"We insist that the SABC follows proper procedure and policy in appointing anyone in any position at the SABC and we are not convinced that this is in the interest of the longterm sustainability and financial health of the SABC," says the SOS Coalition.

"We are concerned as it appears that the SABC is pushing forward with no proper and sound strategy in place as the conversion of freelancers never formed part of any turnaround strategy. It is against this backdrop that the SOS Coalition calls on the SABC board and the SABC CEO to provide South Africans with sound evidence that the decision was taken having had due regard of a coherent and detailed turnaround strategy."

"The SOS Coalition further calls on the SABC and SABC CEO to explain to viewers and listeners and the general public  what their vision is for public broadcasting and how they intend to implement this vision."

"Further, and against this backdrop, the SOS Coalition calls on the SABC board and the SABC CEO to issue a statement explaining how this latest decision om making freelancers permament will ensure the longterm financial health of the SABC, including, most importantly, ensuring the broadcast of quality, local programming," says the SOS Coalition.